Looking for comprehensive and personalised care after your epiAge test to further promote your healthy longevity? Here you will find the contact details of trusted clinics and telemedicine providers from our network that have been including epiAge in their range of services for some time. So, get their expert advice and support!
PLEASE NOTE: Fees for medical advice, consultations and/or medical stays are not included in the price of the epiAge test.
Here are our expert institutions in Germany, Austria and Switzerland as well as our e-Health providers.
Stresemannstraße 93
10963 Berlin
+49 30 820015-910
Main treatment specialisations:
Zollhof 30
40221 Düsseldorf
+49 211 300657-211
Main treatment specialisations:
Main Airport Center
Unterschweinstiege 8
60549 Frankfurt am Main
+49 69 2713898-33
Main treatment specialisations:
Paul-Nevermann-Platz 5
22765 Hamburg
+49 40 2198578-10
Main treatment specialisations:
Steinhäuserstraße 19
76135 Karlsruhe
+49 721 8204-214
Main treatment specialisations:
Landsberger Straße 191
80687 München
+49 89 1895179 0
Main treatment specialisations:
Industriestraße 4
70565 Stuttgart
+49 711 2483788-0
Main treatment specialisations:
Margaretenplatz 2
1050 Wien
+43 1 3678008
Margaretenplatz 2
1050 Wien
+43 1 3678008
Margaretenplatz 2
1050 Wien
+43 1 3678008
Margaretenplatz 2
1050 Wien
+43 1 3678008